Lectures on Neuroanatomy
A Morpho-Functional and Clinical Approach
The textbook is intended as an agile and schematic tool for neuroanatomy students that allows for a detailed, yet practical, approach to Neuroanatomy, one of the most complex and constantly evolving fields of Anatomy and Neuroscience. The continuous development of new techniques for the investigation of the nervous system, spanning from ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging to molecular methods, requires a solid knowledge of its morphological and functional organization. For this purpose, the textbook approaches the morphological organization of the nervous system from both a functional and clinical perspective, allowing for an easy understanding of the functions of each structure with direct and practical application through clinical and pathological examples.
The iconography derives from the anatomo-clinical practice of the authors applied to neuropathological and medico-legal investigation, showcasing both macroscopical specimen as well as anatomo-microscopical preparations. The textbook is further enriched by the drawings and schemas performed during lectures on the chalkboards of the Aula Falloppio, the Anatomical Theather of the Institute of Human Anatomy in Padova.

- titolo Lectures on Neuroanatomy
- sottotitolo A Morpho-Functional and Clinical Approach
- autore Raffaele De Caro
- traduttore Aron Emmi
- collana Medicina
- anno 2021
- isbn 9788854953536
- formato cm 17x24
- pagine 366
- illustrazioni ill. col.
- prezzo euro 35,00
- lingua inglese Vai al libro